Yusuf Cotton, born in Long Island, NY, embarked on a profound journey to reclaim his lost roots and overcome the psychological warfare linked to his ancestral history, which extended beyond the trauma of slavery. To symbolize his spiritual liberation, he changed his name to Yusuf Ultra Samsara. The irony of his birthplace, rich in cultural history, adds depth to his narrative. Overcoming depression and Nyctophobia, he found solace in poetry and various forms of art, evolving from “DEADMAN CYPH” to the enigmatic Ÿusuf UL☥RA. Always a student of life, he blends his experiences in luxury, fashion, business, and tech to create Neo Ultra, a groundbreaking 5D genre intertwining science, futurism, art, and spirituality. Neo Ultra, the first creation from R.I.P Kult, transcends conventional boundaries, heralding a cosmic and spiritual awakening. Witness the dawn of a new era led by Yusuf Ultra Samsara, a vessel of divine creativity and a harbinger of profound transformation.